Monday, 29 November 2010

AU 2010 : Join me for my AU Virtual Product Clinic AC316-6C!!

Autodesk University 2010 : AU Virtual Product Clinic AC316-6C
"At Last! FM is back in the Autodesk Playground!"

OK, so I am not at AU 2010 this year, much to my disappointment. Courtesy of a dismal trading year with CADFMconsultants, there was just not enough cash in the pot to justify flights, hotel and all the other expenses needed when you're out there in sunny Vegas (gambling money, beer money, loose women....just kidding!).

So, I am VERY pleased to say that even if I was there, I would be presenting an AU Virtual Product Clinic. AU Virtual is amazing and best of all, it is completely FREE! Check out this link to get to the AU Virtual homepage and if you haven't signed up, do it now!

(Here's the link in full...

It's AU, but on your PC! How wicked cool is that? (Sorry Matt!).

Once you have signed up, you can choose your classes, just like the real AU but these are VIRTUAL classes. Live podcasts, webinars, whatever you want to call them, but they are live broadcasts! (No pressure, LOL).

The main benefit I have is that my AU Virtual Product Clinic is at 8am Vegas time, which equates to 4pm UK time where I am presenting from so I get an extra few hours in bed!

I would love to see some of you there in my Product Clinic on Autodesk and Facilities Management (FM) so please sign up to AU Virtual.

Here is the lobby from my laptop screen:

Looks kinda cool, doesn't it? So, don't just sit there dribbling at how cool it looks! Sign up! It won't cost you a penny (cent) and you get to take my AU Product Clinic for free!

See you there on Dec 1st!

Happy AU'ing!


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